Sextravaganza – Sex Education Fund Raiser
As the government is cheap when it comes to funding Sex Education
Programming in schools, it is up to organizations such as the Sexual
Health Network of Quebec (SHNQ) to bring these programs to elementary,
highschools and CEGEPS.
SHNQ is holding it’s first annual SEXTRAVAGANZA event at Club Bains
Douches on December 15th, 2011
A great evening of entertainment is planned:
– Dr. Laurie Betito of CJAD radio will be broadcasting her show « Passion »
live from the club
– Sexy Monde Osé burlesque shows featuring Mimi Cherry, Madria and Velma
– Drag Queen extroaordinaire Reena
– Lots of awesome prizes and giveaways to be won, including a chance to
co-host PASSION!
– Condom Crazy booth
This is an 18+ event!
All proceeds from ticket sales will go to the Sexual Health Network of
Quebec to fund Sex Education Programming!
Early bird tickets @ $10 —> $15 @ the door
For tickets or more info: visit or email