Nouvelles / News

Bal Érotique 11

The Re-UNION of the PEOPLE

The Temple of Eros will open an axis in Montréal on Friday August 26, 2016 at Theatre Paradoxe.

Our intention is to come together to celebrate Eros, Intimate Love and Desire. Together in a luxurious event setting, we will begin to raise the vibrations through music, dance and performances. Pleasure is our playground.

Eros begins in that moment where there is an attraction for another. This attraction is the play of masculine and feminine polarities. 2 energies.

When 2 polar energies come together, magic can arise.
For magic to arise, we must honor equally these polar energies.

For ages the KING has been the sole God-head. This is incomplete, as it does not honor the feminine principle of the manifest form. The Goddess has sat quietly for generations. She begins to rise now.

At the Temple of Eros we will dedicate our ReUNION to the coming together of these energies, in harmony, making magic through Eros.

At the temple of Eros, we will bring to life all of it’s potential, whether it be straight, swinger, gay, queer or trans. In our togetherness, Eros will flow, and the the High Priestess will celebrate by the King, together….AGAIN!



Temple of Eros – OFFICIAL Trailer


208 Saint Antoine Ouest
Montreal, Quebec H2Y OA6

Tel: +1-514-288-8886 • Reservations