Friday, June 28, 2013 – Open Puja And Tantra For Awakening Level 3 – Montreal
Monde Osé is proud once again to invite you to a Tantra for awakening weekend workshop.
1190 Saint Antoine Ouest
Montreal, Quebec
H3C 1B4
1) The weekend kick off with a Tantric PUJA open to everyone as a single evening event.
In an effort to give people an opportunity to experience a taste of the Tantra 4 Awakening Workshop, we are inviting people to join us for a
“Heart-opening Tantric Puja” on Friday June 28th from 7PM
Cost for the Puja will be $25 per person and can be paid in person at the event.
A Puja is a guided group exercise which helps you learn how to read and experience subtle energy with various partners in the group. This is the first step in expanding your consciousness around sexuality. This is not a sexual exercise, and will be fully clothed.
Please email to reserve your space for the Friday night PUJA.
2) Weekend Workshop:
Awakening the Ecstatic Body Weekend: From Sexual Union to Spiritual Communion
Explore Masculine and Feminine Energy
Define Love, Romance and Sexual Polarity
Discover Non-Duality as a Path of Awakening
Practice Self-inquiry and Open the Deeper Truth
Experience Merging with the Divine in a Tantric Ritual
In this experiential weekend workshop you will learn how to gracefully navigate the dance of polarities, keep your heart open, share your truth, heal the shadow, live more in the Now and melt into ecstasy. Discover how your relationships can become a doorway into communion with the Divine. You will leave this weekend feeling more connected, present and aware with a tool kit for creating bliss in your life and relationships. This event is open to individuals and couples.
There is no nudity in this class.
Important Note: You do not have to have experienced Level 1 or Level 2 to be part of Level 3.
The course is designed to welcome beginners who did not attend the Previous Levels.
Reserve your space now
First 20 people