Monde Osé is about acceptance, tolerance and respect; and the goal of a Monde Osé party is to have fun and explore your sensuous side.
We have created some guidelines that we ask every member to follow in order to encourage a fun and healthy environment. It is fundamental that all invited guests understand and adhere to the guidelines so that every person can enjoy their evening with the knowledge that the following common courtesies are to be expected.
- Women are the essence of a Monde Osé party. They are the central focus of the evening and most importantly, set the rules and the limits. Women should feel comfortable to play as they please without any advances / hassles from unsolicited people.
- Invited guests should understand and respect even the subtlest signs of a “no” (i.e. that someone is not interested).
- Flirtation, kissing and touching is encouraged with permission from your playmates but sexual activity is never accepted while in the party. We suggest you build up the sexual tension at the party…and release it in the privacy of your own home or hotel room.
- Excessive drinking, to the point of disrupting other guests’ fun, will lead to immediate expulsion.
Women should never feel uncomfortable to reject any advance. However, please make an attempt to be courteous. If you feel you are being disrespected, please advise an organizer of the event or see a security agent so that they can be aware of unbecoming behaviours of the specific attendee.
Men should remember that it is a privilege to be at this party. With this in mind, male guests at Monde Osé are expected to be charming, chivalrous, friendly, receptive to non-verbal signals and never dominating or aggressive.
However, even if a man embodies all of these traits, a lack of attraction and/or chemistry with a woman is possible. If rejected, men should be courteous and not offended. Every woman has different tastes. Remember it is important for women to always lead the way. That is not to say that men cannot flirt with a woman, but that they should be aware of their reactions.