Monde Osé News

Divine 9 – The Lubricant that Protects

Divine 9 personal lubricants made an impactful entrance in the personal products market. Conceived from Carragel, a seaweed with many benefits, Divine 9 differentiates itself from all lubricants on the market, as studies show, it helps prevent and protect from the spread of HPV.

Perfect right? But what is HPV?

HPV, also known as the Human Papilloma Virus, is a sexually transmitted disease. It is also the most STD in a multitude of countries around the world.

When passed on sexually, HPV takes life in the form of small warts, which are found on the genitals. Even if these are, for the greater part, painless, they can still offer discomfort with itchy irritation. The most important thing to remember is that HPV can also have a direct effect on more important health matters:

• All over the world, 1 in 20 cancers is caused by an infection connected to HPV.
• All cervical cancers are caused by HPV infection.
• Oral, anal, vaginal and penile cancers are caused by HPV infection.
• Certain types of HPV infections can cause skin cancers.
• The most common sign of HPV in young men is genital warts.
• The HPV virus is very contagious because it is contracted by the skin-to-skin contact that condoms cannot protect.

It is therefore very important to PREVENT the proliferation of HPV by using the ONLY lubricant which can help protect you; Divine 9. You can sleep soundly… after a night of wild lovemaking.

To find out more about Divine 9, visit their website:

To order Divine 9 visit their online store and use the MONDE OSE PROMO CODE: 10xlz
to save 10% on all your purchases.




